Repairs may take up to 5-7 weeks, not including transit time to and from Filson. Every item is subject to an evaluation by our repairs team and processed through one of the categories below.


If the Item is repairable and covered under warranty, the item will be repaired at Filson’s expense and returned to you.

UNREPAIRABLE (under warranty)

If the product is not repairable, but is covered under warranty, one of our Repair Representatives will contact you to discuss your options.

PAID REPAIR (non-warranty)

If the item is repairable, but not covered under our warranty, you may either have the product returned to you unrepaired, or have the product repaired at your own expense. This will be communicated to you by one of our repair representatives.


If the product is not repairable and not covered under warranty, the item will be sent back to you with a letter providing the reason why it was not repaired. This may include items that have reached the end of their useful lifetime.

Include item number, style name, garment gender, color, size - be as specific as possible

Please explain in fine detail what happened, where the damage/issue is located on item, and provide detailed photos.

Address for return item to be shipped

Your are currently visiting the U.S. store. Please confirm your preferred shopping experience: