Our History

Born in 1850, C. C. Filson inherited his father's pioneer spirit and love of the outdoors. After homesteading in Nebraska and roaming the country as a railroad conductor, he moved to the small city of Seattle, Washington in the 1890s.





1897, Great Klondike Gold Rush was on, and thousands of fortune hunters were stampeding into Seattle, headed north. Armed with a strong work ethic, experience outfitting Pacific Northwest settlers, C. C. Filson was ready to stake his claim to fame.

1899, The Gold Rush faded into history, but Filson kept listening to his customers, and outdoorsmen kept coming to Filson for rugged clothes.





The Filson Cruiser, earned Filson a place in history. Designed and named by C.C. Filson, and patented on March 3, 1914, U.S. Patent #1088891, the Cruiser Shirt continues to influence Filson's best selling items.

1960s, Filson's reputation as the premier outfitter for outdoorsmen had spread around the globe. In addition to being stocked by retailers of quality outdoor wear, Filson garments were being ordered by mail from places as far away as Greenland.





C.C. Filson earned his customers’ trust with a quality-first mindset in all aspects of his business. His ideals guide every decision we make to this day, from materials selection and construction to rapid shipping to after-sale support. We hold ourselves to his words: “Your satisfaction is the sole purpose of our transaction.”

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